Four Rivers Farm is a no-till vegetable farm with one acre in production, situated on the Illinois-Wisconsin state line in Old Mill Creek, Illinois. We grow our crops in raised beds cultivated by hand with special attention to the biological life of the soil. Because we are members of the Certified Naturally Grown family of farmers
we never use herbicides, pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.
Our main tools for weed suppression are silage tarps, deep compost systems and heavy mulching in our pathways.
We add fertility to our soil through compost and worm castings and work hard to keep the soil covered with living pathways and mulches.
Pests are attracted to weak plants so, rather than treating them with pesticides, we focus on the real solution - growing strong plants by creating optimal soil health. To deal with our highest pressure pests, we also use row covers, beneficial nematodes, crop rotation and manual removal.
What is Certified Naturally Grown and how does it compare to Certified Organic?
To learn more, click below.
We grow over 200 varieties of vegetables and cut flowers on the Farm. Visit our market stand throughout the seasons to find an ever changing array of vegetables, salad mix, herbs, wild edibles and fresh and dried bouquets. We also grow hardneck garlic for culinary use and seed.
You can find us at the following locations:
Grayslake Summer Farmers Market